About Me

I am Rachelle (pronunciation: “ra-chel”)! My passion is all things healthcare and how we can leverage technology to improve the lives of millions. I obtained my Masters in Public Health (MPH) at Emory University, with a concentration in Behavioral Sciences. I have been fortunate to work in many different areas of healthcare and support many different types of clients, from hospitals to rural clinics and even key organization involved in the advancement of clinical trials.

I demonstrate exceptional customer focus and problem-solving skills. I am skilled in stakeholder management and translating fuzzy customer (or market) feedback into actionable technical requirements. I am most energized when working with folks with unique perspectives on solving problems, and excel at managing development and design teams.

My superpower is relationship building and communication. I can talk for hours about the intersection of change management, technology, (mental) health, and population health management. As a product manager, I bring a blend of these experiences and empathy to provide great products for end users.

I am an Atlanta native and love to cook/bake, (and eat), and travel. I am also an avid dog lover and currently getting into the world of dog sports!

Let’s Chat!